COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on nearly all facets of society,
and in-person events are no exception. Therefore, it is with much sadness that
the Next Generation Water Summit’s organizing committee has decided to cancel
the 2020 Summit, originally scheduled for June 12-13, 2020.
“As we all are making adjustments and working our way
through new rules for conducting business and our lives, we realized that a
gathering of the size of the Summit was not going to be possible,” stated Glenn
Schiffbauer of the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce. “Disappointed as we
are, we also are excited about the prospects of what innovations will come out
of this pause in life. This extra time will also give our group of water
professionals the space to create more of the next generation technologies and
The committee continues to weigh its options on the next iteration of the Summit. One option is to postpone for 1 year, while another is to hold a fully virtual event. “There are very few easy decisions these days,” said Summit Co-Chair Mike Collignon. “We would really like to spend time with our Summit family again, but we know that’s not the safest course of action right now.”
Hosts of the Next Generation Water Summit continue to be the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce; Green Builder® Coalition; City of Santa Fe; and KUELWater. Promotional partners include the Alliance for Water Efficiency. Santa Fe Community College is the official education sponsor, and Green Builder® Media is the national media partner.
Dr. James White, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder will address the Next Generation Water Summit on June 12th in Santa Fe, NM. Dr. White’s keynote address, “Climate Change – The Tipping Point and the Economic Impact”, will begin at 8:15am in the Santa Fe Community Convention Center.
Dr. James White
Dr. White started the INSTAAR Stable Isotope Lab in 1989. In recent years, his ice core research has helped to show that large climate changes tend to occur in the natural system as abrupt and rapid shifts in mode probably driven by internal adjustments in the Earth climate system, rather than slow and gradual adjustments to changing external conditions, such as the amount of energy received from the sun. He has been described as a generous mentor, gifted teacher and a serious man of science who leavens his lectures with humor, promotes discussion and listens as well as enlightens.
Climate change is going to impact our water supply, both the demand side and the supply side of the equation. “A changing climate presents a host of problems for us as we seek to create a sustainable society for the future. We need to not only know what lies ahead, but how fast that new reality will come at us, and continually ask ourselves if we are adequately prepared to face the challenges”, stated Dr. White.
Other keynote speakers include: Paula Kehoe, Director of Water Resources, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) will give the address on June 13th and U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), a long-time advocate for New Mexico’s acequias and traditional lands, will give the keynote address on June 14th.
Over the 3 days of the Summit, 50+ sessions will be held. A few of these include: “Forest Restoration—How to Pay for It” by Dr. Jonathan Overpeck, Dean of the School of Sustainability, University of Michigan; “WaterSense 2.0 and Water Rating Systems” by Jonah Schein of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); “Permitting Sustainability” by Art Ludwig, founder of Oasis Designs; “Colorado River Basin States Water Efficiency Scorecard” by Mary Ann Dickinson of the Alliance of Water Efficiency; “Latest in Irrigation Technology” by Brent Mecham of the Irrigation Association; and “Irrigation Water Budgets: A Comparative Review” by Dr. Rolston St. Hilaire, department head, New Mexico State University.
Next Generation Water Summit logo
Additionally, there will be 7 water certification courses held pre- and post-Summit and 4 technical workshops during the Summit. To see the full lineup of speakers, workshops and to register visit:
Hosts of the Next Generation Water Summit will be the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce; Green Builder® Coalition; City of Santa Fe; the Alliance for Water Efficiency, KUELWater, and the Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association. Major sponsors include the Turner Foundation and Phyn. Santa Fe Community College is the official education sponsor, and Green Builder® Media is the national media partner.
About the Next Generation Water Summit The Next Generation Water Summit brings together the building and development community, water reuse professionals and water policymakers in a collaborative setting to share best practices and learn about innovative water conservation and water reuse techniques that can be used to comply with water conservation restrictions spreading across the southwest.
U.S. Representative Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) will address the Next Generation Water Summit on Friday, June 14th in Santa Fe, NM. Congressman Luján’s keynote address will begin at 8:15 am in the Santa Fe Community Convention Center.
Congressman Luján began serving in the U.S. Congress as a Representative
from New Mexico in 2008. Congressman Luján has worked to create good-paying
jobs in New Mexico, increase access to affordable, quality health care, protect
New Mexico’s natural resources, build a clean energy economy, and restore
checks and balances in our government. He is a member of the House Energy &
Commerce Committee, sitting on the Health Subcommittee, Consumer Protection
& Commerce Subcommittee, and the Communications & Technology
Luján is a long-time advocate for New Mexico’s acequias and
traditional lands. He continually works to ensure adequate funding for these
cultural assets through both the legislation he has authored and through the
Farm Bill. He also supports rural farming and ranching by securing grants to
help food-producing communities advance entrepreneurship. “One of my
earliest memories is helping tend the acequia on my family’s small farm in
Nambé, and I know that water is one of our most precious resources in both New
Mexico and in the West. I introduced the Acequia Conservation Program
Eligibility Act to help ensure that water conservation is a chief goal as we
live, work, and plan for our communities’ futures. I am encouraged that we are
holding the Next Generation Water Summit in Santa Fe to work on the solutions
that are necessary for our survival,” Rep. Luján recently stated.
Congressman Luján’s Friday keynote address will be free to
attend. Registration is requested, however, and can be done at
Attendees who are only interested in hearing his address are encouraged to
choose the Friday-only (No CEUs) option.
Experts scheduled to present June 12th – 13th during the Summit include: Dr. Rolston St. Hilaire, Professor & Department Head at New Mexico State University; Dr. Nirit Bernstein of the Israeli Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences; Kyle Pickett, Co-Founder & COO, Urban Fabrick, Inc.; and Bill Hoffman of H.W. Hoffman & Associates. June 14th will be New Mexico Day, and includes a raffle of a 200 gallon rainbarrel, kids’ fun events, a tour of Santa Fe Community College’s new greenhouse facility, a “Careers in Water” track, and many how-to workshops. For more information on the rest of the Summit, please visit
The Next Generation Water Summit brings together the building and development community, water reuse professionals and water policymakers in a collaborative setting to share best practices and learn about innovative water conservation and water reuse techniques that can be used to comply with water conservation restrictions spreading across the southwest.
Hosts of the Next Generation Water Summit will be the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce; Green Builder® Coalition; City of Santa Fe; KUELWater; the Alliance for Water Efficiency, and the Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association. Major sponsors include Turner Foundation and Phyn. Santa Fe Community College is the official education sponsor, and Green Builder® Media is the national media partner.